30 May 2013

Terrorist who killed 38 Israelis was appointed PA adviser

A recently published article (see below) has prompted Akiva Hamilton (Shurat Hadin) to add the following to his response to World Vision Australia's Whitewash of an AusAID Recipient's Terrorism Links:
"World Vision Australia justifies giving millions of AusAID dollars to convicted terrorist Bashir Al-Khairi by noting that he "is close to Mahmoud Abbas" (PA Prime Minister and PLO Chairman). 
However Abbas's appointment as his advisor, of an arch-terrorist Hussein Fayyad who murdered 38 Israelis, shows that that being a convicted arch-terrorist is no impediment whatsoever to being 'close to Mahmoud Abbas'..."

From JPost, 29 May 2013, by KHALED ABU TOAMEH:

Man behind 1978 Coastal Road massacre made adviser to Abbas.

Coastal Road Massacre Bus
Coastal Road Massacre Bus Photo: Wikimedia commons
Hussein Fayyad, one of the commanders of the terror group that carried out the 1978 Coastal Road massacre, revealed on Tuesday that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had appointed him as one of his advisers.
The attack, which led to the killing of 38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, was planned and carried out by Abbas’s Fatah faction.
Fayyad, who was released in a prisoner swap with Israel in 1985, said that Abbas signed a decree in 2008 promoting him to the position of “advisor” to the PA president.
...Abbas Zaki, member of the PLO executive committee...praised Fayyad as a “fighter for the Palestinian revolution” ...

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