24 March 2015

Senate defers a pro-Israel motion [UPDATED]

Senator Bob Day (Family First, South Australia)  and NSW LDP Senator Leyonhjelm put the following motion to the Senate for a vote this Monday, 23 March 2015:

That the Senate acknowledges, respects and values:
(a)  the historical ties between Australia and Israel, starting with the Beersheba campaign of 1917;
(b) Australian trade with Israel nearing $1 billion per annum; and
(c)  the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce.

UPDATE: 27 March 2015:

Senator Day’s motion was not voted down by Labor, as previously reported. Rather, it was “refused formality” by the Senate – a procedural term that prevents a vote being taken on a motion. This is a long-standing convention on motions dealing with foreign affairs to give Senators the opportunity to consider them. The motion was put aside until another time. 

However Senator Day expressed his disappointment that such an uncontroversial motion was delayed, because despite convention "formality on foreign affairs topics has been permitted on no less than 9 occasions in the last 12 months."

Senator Day made this short statement in response:

Mr President, this motion has received substantial backing from people across Australia who support Australia’s ties with Israel, and I thank those people for contacting their MPs.
I will not recite the terms of the motion because every item is factual and uncontroversial.

When it comes to formality on motions touching on foreign affairs, there are clearly no hard and fast rules in this place as formality on foreign affairs topics has been permitted on no less than 9 occasions in the last 12 months.

Mr President, I would like to put on record my disappointment over Labor’s obstruction of this motion supporting Israel.  Due to a busy agenda, however, I will not move for a suspension of standing orders and a debate but indicate to the Senate that I am committed to securing a statement in support of our ties with Israel and will bring this matter back to the Senate again in the near future.


  1. Australia should be proud of their long friendship with Israel. The world owes Israel much; such as the weekend, the bible, our laws are based on the Ten Commandments, the mobile phone, drip irrigation, not to mention Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth and the life.

  2. People seem to forget Jesus Christ was born a jew and died a jew. The Last Supper celebrated by Christians, is actually the Passover service.

  3. Why Labor oppose a motion in favour of our close friend and good trading partner is evidently found in Labor support for the left that ignore terrorism by organization like Hamas and effetely are supporting their policy Palestinian's Gaza of aggression and crime against the Jews. Labor are very ambiguous in this matter and are favouring Obama USA president that is play the double game as his father and half brother are Muslim and he is certainly not a Christian's from what he said and do. Is a wolf that mislead and had infiltrate the American administration with people that are associate with Muslim Brotherhood who genocide thousand in Egypt and still do.
